Sunday, April 6, 2008

News from Lomo

Here's the info from my neighborhood association. Do what you will with it.

1. A CANDIDATES NIGHT is scheduled for Tuesday, April 8 at 7:00 at Neumann-Goretti High School in the auditorium. It is my understanding that Dougherty, Keller, Farnese and DiCicco will be there, and perhaps the Republican running as well.

2. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS is getting better in Philadelphia. will send email or text messages to your phone in the event of an emergency in Philadelphia, Montgomery, Bucks or Chester counties. If you use these services, it's wise to subscribe.

3. The CLEAN-UP today, as part of Mayor Nutter's plan for Philadelphia, was a great success. We had a good turnout, and were able to collect at least a ton of garbage from various areas. If we didn't get to your street or block, we'll try in the near future.
Starbucks donated coffee, Citizens Alliance pitched in, and neighbors from the west side of Broad Street came to help us. Though we sometimes think that our streets have gone to the dogs, we really do live in a great area where people still come out and pull together. I guarantee that many other areas of the city didn't have our turnout or support. Thanks to all who participated!

Hope to see you around the block-

Lower Moyamensing Civic Association

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