For the past week I have been suffering from a numbing pain coming from my lower left jaw. I know that I'm most likely going to have this tooth pulled. In true last minute McGinley fashion, I choose to get it checked out when right before my face is about to fall off. So Anna and Eli recommended "The Gay Dentist", Dr Wakefield. Not only was this man understanding of my situation (no dental, whaa) he was very accommodating and friendly. He opened his office early to check out my toof! Not to mention he had the coolest pair of specs I've seen on a gentlemen yet. In short, thank you and Eli and Anna another great Philly tip.
P.s. if anyone was wondering Dr. Wakefield told me I have an infected impacted wisdom tooth. Wish me luck getting this evil thing pulled out my head.
PPS--eli here to share this lovely pic of our dear Doc. Should you care to make a more through aquantance, visit
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