Our attempt at nature was a bust. Montgomery County Community College, which seven years ago was in the middle of a lovely patch of nowhere, is now surrounded by awful subdivisions. Linnvilla Orchards was a mad house--full of all the people i was trying to escape. The craft show was mainly a crapt show and none of the people I actually wanted to buy stuff from where there. Michael was very dissapointed as they were also severely lacking in pipe cleaner art. There were a few bright spots on the craft show front. Jungwhon Joo does amazing enameled jewelry and will be at a craft show later on in November in Chestnut Hill. She has no website, but i will try to post the information here. There were also some nice ceramics including one woman that draws beautiful chinese drawings on rice bowls and my favorite--the butter bell--but at that point we had had enough. The major upside to the day was that everything i ate on Sunday was served on a stick. Hurray.

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