Wednesday, March 25, 2009

On This Day in Philadelphia Criminal History... has this really great slide show up right now of a history of Philly crime. There is over 100 photos and some pretty colorful characters.
Flipping through the photos I stumbled upon one man who's crimes were so gruesome I found it hard to believe I had not heard of him before. Gary Heidnik probably won't ring a bell for most people, but Silence of the Lambs probably does. Heidnik was the inspiration for Thomas Harris's fictional "Buffalo Bill".
At 4:30 am on March 25, 1987, Heidnik's home in North Philadelphia was searched and a world of unimaginable horrors were unearthed. There's a great article on Gary Heidnik at the New Criminologist website and check back here for future posts about those featured in the History of Philly Crime.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I actually went through this slide show as well a couple of weeks ago. I spent the better part of three work days googling each and every single one of the most creepiest criminals from the list.

Doesnt leave you with a warm sunny feeling inside.