I've long been a fan of NPR. Certain shows still thrill me--
This American Life is still riviting,
Wait, Wait don't tell me... is still wildly funny and the
Jonathan Schwartz show always makes me happy. However, as far as news, politics and culture go, NPR seems to be getting dumber and dumber. There is no better example of this than KCRW's
Le Show with Harry Shearer, which unfortunately sneaks into my home on Sunday afternoon--prime public radio time. This has forced me to look elsewhere for my smart talk radio, and I have found it. I knew of
Slate magazine before, but I wasn't really an avid reader. Then I stumbled onto their
"gabfest" podcasts. These are smart, intellegent, funny and current. Just listen.
Secondly, if you ever want to feel like a flaming idiot and not care at all, get a kitten. Suddenly, pooping is incredibly entertaining, grooming is adorable and drinking water is awww worthy. Meet Henry, the newest edition to the Philadelph-eli and Anna home.

Henry! I love you!
Aw. so sweet!
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